Thursday, March 19, 2009

Too Fat To Be Allowed. . . To Live

I am sure many of you, by now, have seen the shocking photo running a muck online of a hugely obese person sitting on a chair at an airport waiting for a delayed flight. No doubt you quickly made judgments about this person, maybe called them a name, or laughed out loud, possibly sent the picture on to someone you knew, so that they too could enjoy a snicker at the expense of this unknown person who will be stared at and ridiculed by countless millions via the internet.

I don’t know any more about this person than you do, but being a morbidly obese person myself let me tell a story, a piece of fiction about this person- coming from experiences of my own.

I will call this person Dana because from the picture Dana can not be identified as female or male.

Dana grew up in a small town, with a loving vibrant family. Dana’s were religiously strict parents believing in all things God and bible. An extended family member began to molest Dana at an early age, but not having talked about ‘things’ as this within the family unit, Dana had no idea how to react or what to do. Dana decided to make sure physical attractiveness was no longer a part of what made Dana up.

“No one would violate a repulsive and ugly body.” Thought Dana. So Dana set about obtaining this body of “protection”.

Dana shut down emotionally, and found that inside the mouth was a gateway to euphoria, mental utopia, because every time Dana ate, the pain magically went away for a short time. This is how Dana learned to deal with deep emotional pain, and Dana grew to a size unbelievable and daunting to society, and to Dana.

Dana succeeded in securing a form of peace from the molesting tormentor- but deliverance came at a price. One of isolation from a world that now tormented and abused Dana. Every time Dana left the security of home someone spoke a hurtful word, called a humiliating name, gave unbearable stares, released heart penetrating, ridiculing laughter that caused hardship, loneliness, self hatred, self abuse. So Dana shut doors and windows, pulled shades and affection, closed heart and emotion and existed only within a small four corner house filled to the hilt with food that comforted from, and erased the world outside.

News came that Dana’s mother was dying, the doctor said to come quickly if final goodbyes were to be offered. Dana had no choice but to leave the security of home and book a flight to see mother one last time. The flight was delayed so Dana asked an airport employee for a chair- one that was armless so that Dana could sit in some measure of comfort as the delay continued. As Dana was handed the chair a flash of concern that mother would be gone before home could be reached struck Dana’s mind. Dana opened the chair in a secluded area, behind the rest of the passengers waiting to board the delayed flight, prayed that mother would hang on, and hoped that no one would stare at or ridiculed the scared, hurt, worried, wounded soul sitting there.

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